Robert Shinn Net Worth, What Is The Major Source Of Income?

Robert Shinn's name is currently the subject of controversy because of his role in Netflix's documentary series “Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult”. Despite criticism, Shinn has amassed significant wealth through various business ventures as well as his involvement in the church. The following article will examine Shinn's net worth and sources of income, as well as the background of the Shekinah Church.

What is Robert Shinn's net worth?

Robert Shinn’s financial success is largely dependent on the work of his talent management company, 7M. With a focus on securing profitable brand campaigns for social media influencers, 7M has found great success with its celebrity clients, such as Miranda Derrick and James “BDash” Derrick. Influencers with millions of followers on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok can help secure endorsement deals, which typically cost between $250,000 and $500,000 per deal. With an estimated 20-30 deals per year, 7M’s total annual income can exceed $10 million. That translates to $6 million after commissions and other expenses are deducted.

Along with his position in 7M, Shinn has diversified his business interests, including those in the mortgage and real estate business. His long-standing congregation, the Shekinah Church, has also contributed significantly to his wealth through donations and endowments. While exact figures for these sources are difficult to pin down, conservative estimates place his net worth at around $15 million when taking into account investments and taxes.

How did Robert Shinn build his business empire?

Shinn's business expertise is evident through 7M's strategic positioning in the influencer marketing space. Through leveraging digital time, where social media influencers are the ones who greatly influence the visibility of brands, Shinn has repeatedly won valuable contracts High. Other business ventures he has undertaken in mortgage banking and real estate demonstrate his ability to find and invest in profitable market segments, helping to further improve financial standing. his.

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What is the origin of the Shekinah Church?

Shekinah Church was founded on April 14, 1994 in Santa Ana, California, by Robert Shinn after he emigrated from Toronto, Canada. Initially, this was an exclusive community that attracted those seeking a private church setting. Shinn's sister, Catherine Yi, played an important role in the early days of the church's founding. Her departure was prompted by reports of Shinn being sexually abused by former church members in early 2000. Despite these accusations, Shinn retained his leadership position and continued to be considered a “Man of God” by the church.

How has the controversy affected Shinn's Ventures?

The “Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult” report has brought a lot of unwanted attention to Robert Shinn and his businesses. His depiction as a religious cultist attracted considerable public attention. However, it seems that his financial projects are relatively stable. His unswerving loyalty to the members of his church as well as his business acumen allowed his business to continue to have a constant flow of cash despite the controversies.


Robert Shinn’s rise from pastor to controversial businessman is a complex tale of controversy, ambition, and financial expertise. Shinn’s ability to leverage the power of social media influence through 7M, as well as his consistent church involvement, has allowed him to amass a significant amount of wealth. Despite the pressure of media scrutiny and accusations, Shinn’s various business ventures are still thriving, a testament to his ability to overcome obstacles and plan strategically.

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