frank oz net worth

frank oz net worth 1

frank oz

Birth Name Frank Richard Oznowicz Date of Birth May 25, 1944 Place of Birth Hereford, Herefordshire, England Height 1.88 m Profession Actor Net Worth $20,000,000 Nationality British Marital Status Married

Frank Oz is involved in many fields in the entertainment business. He has been an actor, a director, and most importantly, a voice artist. His net worth is estimated to be $20 million as of March 2012. He has voiced Muppets such as puppet Yoda, Jedi Master, Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy, and many others in the Star Wars franchise.

He has done voiceovers in over 75 Muppet films. He has directed films such as “Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels” and “What About Bob” with Steve Martin. He first directed with Jim Henson, his longtime collaborator. He directed the film “The Dark Crystal”. His first independent film as a director was “Little Shop of Horrors”. The last film he directed was “The Death at a Funeral”.

Frank has also worked in many films. His famous films include An American Werewolf in London, The Blues Brothers and Innocent Blood. Most of these films have been directed by John Landis. He has also worked in many films made by Jim Henson on Muppets. But Frank’s wealth mainly comes from his voice over work for the Muppets and Star Wars franchise.

Oz was born in Hereford, England. When he was only six years old, he and his parents moved to Oakland, California. His name was Richard Frank Oznowicz. He has been married twice. His first wife was Robin Oz. They separated in 2005. His second wife is Victoria Labalme.

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Categories: Actor Net Worth

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